Jasons battle of Ferriprox® v Superficial Siderosis
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
First fall outside
My left foot turned inside when I fell in a gap of a walkway. My vision was a very bouncy today so I am wondering why this is. Putting every...
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Every week I have a full blood count check. Today I went to the hospital to have my blood taken, and everything went as usual however, just ...
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Oops, only half the dose!
I have been taking only half the dose of Feriprox from day one till now accidentally, however this seems to have worked out well as there wo...
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Regular headache location
A regular pain behind the lower Occipital bone has been occurring throughout the day and as I recall has occurred on other days. The pain s...
Monday, 24 February 2014
Faster reflexes
Today has been a big development in the taking Feriprox (5 weeks so far). For the first time in 33 years (I had a brain hemorrhage in ...
Faster reflexes
Three days ago there was a big development in the taking Feriprox (5 weeks so far). For the first time in 33 years (I had a brain hemorrhag...
Aching joints
At first I put it down to exercise as in being out and busy however recently I have felt it in my hands and neck. Should I take some medicat...
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