Friday, 3 January 2014

My battle of Superficial Siderosis

My battle of Superficial Siderosis Recently (2009-12, date not specified) I had a brain haemorrhage. Somehow blood from the haemorrhage managed to get into the cerebral fluid which runs through my vertebrae, iron from the blood is causing problems in both motor and cognitive skills (to put this simply, imagine rows of cables without insulation close together and liquid iron spilt on them, they would short out causing the lights to behave in a manner they should not). In America the use of Ferriprox (Each tablet contains 500 mg deferiprone), is indicated for the treatment of iron overload, this is my blog as to how I clear the iron from my blood including the use of Ferriprox. At this time, the effects from the Superficial Siderosis are; Ataxia Migraines Memory loss (short and long term) Tinnitus 75% hearing loss Muscular tremors Double vision Video vision (what I see bounces when walking) Constant tiredness.

This is my journal to recovery.

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